This harrowing video has been released showing how easily toddlers can be strangled by window blind cords, in a bid to cut the tragic number of deaths every year. At least 31 children in the UK have died as a result of blinds cords since 1999.
The message is that no parent can watch a child 24/7. New window blind safety legislation came into force in 2014. However many homes have blinds fitted before that date and older blinds need to be checked.
Dr Michael McBride, Chief Medical Officer for Northern Ireland, said: “The video aims to highlight the dangers of looped blind cords and look at ways in which blind cord injuries and deaths can be reduced.”
- If they have a looped control chain or cord and do not have a safety device fitted, then you can easily install one of the many devices available.
- Ensure that all operating blind cords and chains cannot be reached by children.
- Move cots, beds and any furniture away from windows and blinds – remember children love to climb.
- When buying a new blind, always look for one that does not contain cords, has concealed cords or has an in-built safety device and that complies with the new European Standards.
Dr McBride continued: “New blinds are covered by improved European safety legislation that came into force in 2014. However many homes have blinds fitted before this, so it is important to check them all.”
Mary Black, assistant director of health and social well-being improvement with the PHA, said: “It is impossible to watch over our children 24 hours a day, so it is essential that we take time to make the home environment as safe as possible.
“As the video highlights, it can take as little as seconds for a toddler to lose their life after becoming entangled in a window blind cord or chain.
“Simple steps – such as securing cords and chains with safety devices and keeping furniture away from windows so that children cannot climb on them – can help prevent deaths.
“It is important that parents, relatives and carers check their homes and proactively take steps to make sure that children are kept safe.
“Don’t leave it until it is too late – taking simple steps to make our homes safer for children is the best way to help prevent accidents.”
Read more at http://www.devonlive.com/warning-to-parents-about-window-bl-ind-cords/story-30185977-detail/story.html#FqkCLtMV2Ib4q5kV.99